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Current weather conditions in Ischgl

  • -2° / 3°
  • 30% / 80%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1200 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Weather forecast

With a very active frontal system, the late winter weather situation in the Alpine region is intensifying further. Overnight on Saturday, there will be partly heavy and longer-lasting precipitation, with the focus of precipitation continuing to be in the northwest-facing slopes towards the northern edge of the Alps. This situation will change only slightly on Saturday itself. However, we will see more showers, particularly interspersed with sunny breaks over the inner-alpine valleys. The snow line will establish itself clearly below 1000 meters above sea level. Even in lower valley areas, it can become wintry white. Temperatures will drop a bit more, especially in the mountains. At an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, temperatures will consistently be around -8 degrees Celsius this weekend. Additionally, in the partly slightly unstable air mass, further snow showers are expected. Based on current indications, there will be no significant calming of the weather until next Thursday. It will remain significantly colder than usual for this time of year, and further precipitation is forecasted with a low-pressure system over northern Italy. On one hand, the snow line is slowly beginning to rise above 1000 meters above sea level, and on the other hand, the focus of precipitation will increasingly shift from the north-facing slopes towards the main Alpine ridge.

  • -3° / 2°
  • 70% / 70%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1000 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -5° / 2°
  • 70% / 70%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1000 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -8° / 3°
  • 50% / 80%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1300 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -6° / 5°
  • 20% / 70%
  • 5 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1500 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Current conditions

  Temperature Wind* Webcam
Greitspitz 2,872 m -11 °C 11 km/h Open
Idalp 2,320 m -8 °C 13 km/h Open
Ischgl 1,400 m 1 °C - Open
Palinkopf 2,864 m -14 °C 42 km/h Open
Nachtweide 2,089 m
-6 °C -
Samnaun Dorf 1,840 m
-5 °C 0 km/h
Piz Val Gronda 2,812 m -13 °C 26 km/h Open
Alp Trida 2,250 m
-9 °C 15 km/h
Pardatschgrat 2,624 m -10 °C - Open

* With the measured wind speeds bargain on a 10-minute average. Gusts which may reach higher wind speeds will go under this time. Wind gusts may be 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 times over the 10-minute average.