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Current weather conditions in Ischgl

  • -7° / 1°
  • 50% / 80%
  • 1 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1000 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Weather forecast

Low-pressure areas over the continent will bring polar cold air masses, which will accumulate moisture over the North Sea and, in several waves, move towards the Alps until the weekend. We must prepare for an unusually cold, late-winter weather phase for this time of year. The above-average warmth experienced in the first half of April will likely be offset by the end of the month. Additionally, winter tires will once again prove useful as snowfall, in significant amounts at times, may reach even low-lying areas. This will especially apply from Wednesday to Thursday night and then again from Friday evening into Sunday. The focus of the snowfall will be clearly in the northwest and north-facing slopes of the mountains, with significantly less expected towards the main Alpine ridge. The late-winter weather pattern is expected to persist into the beginning of next week.

  • -5° / 2°
  • 0% / 60%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1400 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -3° / 0°
  • 80% / 90%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1000 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -6° / 0°
  • 30% / 60%
  • 4 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1200 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -7° / 0°
  • 80% / 80%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1000 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Current conditions

  Temperature Wind* Webcam
Greitspitz 2,872 m -12 °C 0 km/h Open
Idalp 2,320 m -9 °C 3 km/h Open
Ischgl 1,400 m -1 °C - Open
Palinkopf 2,864 m -14 °C 8 km/h Open
Nachtweide 2,089 m
-8 °C -
Samnaun Dorf 1,840 m
-7 °C 0 km/h
Piz Val Gronda 2,812 m -14 °C 7 km/h Open
Alp Trida 2,250 m
-10 °C 10 km/h
Pardatschgrat 2,624 m -11 °C - Open

* With the measured wind speeds bargain on a 10-minute average. Gusts which may reach higher wind speeds will go under this time. Wind gusts may be 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 times over the 10-minute average.